Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things you might not know about me...

1. I am completely addicted to mentos. If I open a package, I am literally compelled to eat every last one of them. Apparently that makes me fresh. (feel free to send them a as a gift - they work for any occasion)

2. Sometimes, when I'm really bored, I lie on my back and try to convince myself that I'm paralyzed from the waist down, just to see if I can still move.

3. I have fallen asleep with my contacts still in, only to awaken and cry, "I'm healed!!!" It's always devastating when I figure it out...

4. When I'm really quiet, it usually means I'm furious and you should probably head for the hills, especially if you're the cause. And if you are the cause, you've done something truly evil, because it takes a lot to make me lose my cool.

5. I constantly dream about cutting my hair. Until I actually do. And then I constantly dream about growing it out. It's an endless cycle. (I'm considering a swing bob as we speak)

6. I secretly hate most English majors, even though I was one in grad school.

7. I'm definitely not as nice as most people consider me.


  1. I'm proud to say that I knew at least half of these things; however, I'm going to be completely freaked out every time you're quiet speak up! By the way, number 7 is total bull. ;)

  2. Like April, I too am pleased to know that I knew most of those! :) And although number 7 doesn't happen often, I have beared witness to seeing you be absolutely VILE with the sweetest smile on your face. I'm a believer.

    Love you!

  3. hahaha love numba 3....never done that but i sleep in my contacts sometimes just so i can know what waking up with perfect eyesight feels like:)
