Let's be honest. Most mornings, I don't feel inspired (or required) to do any more than simply get up. I hear Milo rustling around in his room, talking, laughing, mooing (if he's slept with his little stuffed cow), or yelling, "Maaaa-maaaaa!" and I roll out, get a quick shower, and get on with my day.
I know I mentioned the other day that I hadn't even been running much lately, simply because sickness and exhaustion have been hanging around our house for a month or two. But this week, I decided to climb back on the proverbial horse (although riding a horse would be much less strenuous, I suspect) and get out there in the mornings, and it's felt amazing (minus the sore muscles and overall frustration that goes something like, "I used to run 15 miles with no problem. Why is 3 such a struggle today?").
All this to say, let's talk about muffins. Sweet Potato Muffins, to be exact, so don't get concerned (I mentioned to Milo, "Mommy's going to write a blog about her muffins," and I swear he raised an eyebrow at me.). I had extra time this morning, and instead of crawling back into bed after my shower and reading, I decided to try out a recipe that I found in
Runner's World, and I know, it would be much more impressive had I come up with it myself. However, I'll cut you a deal. After I give you the recipe, I'll tell you what I would do to make it even better.
2 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup pureed or mashed cooked sweet potato
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup buttermilk
Heat oven to 375.
Grease 12 muffin cups or add paper liners.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, ginger, baking soda, and salt.
In a bowl, whisk butter, oil, sweet potato, egg, and buttermilk.
Fold wet mixture into the dry; stir until just combined.
Fill muffin cups three-quarters full.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
Simple and delicious, right? Okay, here's what I would change. I would add a full cup of sugar, double the ground ginger, and do 1 1/2 cups sweet potato. I don't think any of these are drastic enough to change the rest of the directions, but it's your call. OH, and the most important part. I mixed cinnamon and sugar and sprinkled it all over the uncooked muffins so they would have a little crunch on top. YUM. If you make these, leave a little comment and let me know what you would change. I need to figure out a good streusel topping. I think that would make them superb.
All in all, Milo and I were both happy campers, and the dogs licked up every crumb we dropped. Seems like a success to me. And all of this before 9:00 on a Hump Day morning.
Look, he wants to share with you! |
Update: As I post, Milo has snagged the last of my muffin from the edge of the table where I left it (will I ever learn?). He is now being chased around the house by the dogs, who are desperate for more of it, and he's yelling, "Uh-uhhhhhhh!" as he goes. In other words, time for this mommy to go.