Sunday was a big day for us (as previously mentioned - Zoo Train Day). Not only did Milo have his first ever train ride, but we took him to Kaylee's birthday party, which was at the water part of Chambers park. It was his first trip there, too, and Nate and I really wondered what he'd do about it.
Milo is an all or nothing kind of kid (okay, so he really does take after me in at least
one aspect of his personality - other than that, he's pretty much all Nate), and the day before, he had decided he wanted nothing to do with the little kiddie pool we set up in the backyard. We were just holding onto the fact that he loves the hose (holding it, spraying things with it, being sprayed with it, etc.), and I guess he decided that the water park was enough like the hose to be pretty cool to him.
Milo ran around with his mouth and eyes wide open, laughing all the time. He also shook his poor little straw fedora until it almost didn't look like a hat anymore. It might be time to retire it, but we'll see.
He was just getting comfortable here. |
Somehow I feel like "Singin' In the Rain" should be playing right now. |
He splashed through the fountains without caring if the water got in his face. |
After the hat was wet, Milo wore it around on the top of his head like a little old man. |
A very happy end of the day. |
Just adorable!! :-)