So, Emmy turned one. Several weeks ago... And life is busy!
Migraines and pollen and spring colds.
Trampolines and sidewalk chalk and bubbles.
Homeschool and sunshine and the zoo.
See what I mean? So much going on, although if you asked me on any given day, I couldn't tell you specifically. Just all the things that come with raising three little people. Three HUMONGOUS personalities in three tiny little bodies. It's beautiful and messy and so very full.
And here's my confession. I took my camera to Emmy's little "cupcakes in the park" party and took only one picture. Here you go.
Emmy, like my other two children and my handsome husband, does NOT love a crowd. She spent the majority of the time at the park making this face. It's not like she had a bad time. It was just a quiet time. An overwhelmed time. A sweet-faced little nugget time. Everyone else spent the time running around, playing baseball, blowing bubbles, eating cupcakes... It ended up being fun and frenzied all at the same time.
And, might I mention, this little lady started walking a few weeks before her birthday? She's my first before-one walker, and honestly, I should say runner. She's quick and she's intentional - this girl, also like my other two children, always seems to have a plan. I guess she comes by that honestly as well. She's also picked up a new word - Pwaaaaaa. It started out as Pweeeee, but somehow morphed. It's "please," just done Emmy-style, and with a certain level of indignance if she has to repeat herself. She also calls Lucy "Doo-see" and Milo "Ha-Da" (?). She loves Bruiser and belly-laughs any time he runs around. She is snuggly and darling and fierce, and she adds so much laughter and sunshine to our home.
Sooooo much sweet. With a layer of spice. And then more sweet underneath. |
A little lady. |
Okay, so that's Emmy. Now Lucy. She has literally just taken off reading. I gave her some sight word flash cards to help her gain some confidence, and she ran with it. Now she feels comfortable sounding out words and has read several beginner books. She also LOVES to help me in the kitchen, which makes dinner prep both slower and far more fun. She surprises me all the time and I am so proud of her. She still grits her teeth with desperate passion at Emmy. She still screams when things aren't going according to plan. But I see her growing up so fast in front of me, and I wish I could make it slow down just a little.
And Milo. My Milo. My sweet-natured little genius. His oldest cousin Cody joined the military and is currently in boot camp - Milo was very concerned with what he was eating and whether he was getting enough. He is reading Hardy Boys books in a day. He has started really putting time and attention into his handwriting and sentence construction. He does math word problems in his head and feels irritated that I make him show his work. Things are so logical and easy to him, which makes me wonder what the heck I will do with him when he gets to high school (cross that bridge when we come to it, right?). And then he lays down to go to sleep at night and genuinely prays that the Father will give him wisdom. Look out, world.
My days and my heart are crammed full. I almost never even think about this blog, but when I do, I feel like I have to share how special these little people are and how fulfilled I feel in all this business. And now for some pictures.
Emmy may be making this face, sandwiched in the middle, for her entire life. |
One of my favorites ever. You can really see all their personalities here. |
And here, too... |