Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Partial nudity only

Now tell me this...
How many of you would want to give birth completely stark naked?  Anyone?  Anyone?
If you answered yes, let me know so that I can publicly call you crazy on my blog.

Because I went to birthing class last night, and the video they showed featured some very, (ahem), natural-type mothers. I believe the nurse referred to them as "earthy girls, the kind who'd squat beside a tree."  But each and every one of them was as naked as the day she was born.  Think about it.  Does anyone need to see a naked pregnant woman for any reason?  Childbirth is disturbing enough without having to see every last scrap of skin on the woman in labor.  People, it's not pretty!  Seriously, when I see myself after I get out of the shower, I even blush a little.  It's uncomfortable!!!

I was absolutely, utterly mortified that I would have to be buck-naked giving birth.  Forget the whole squeezing a watermelon out a tiny opening thing.  The nakedness was the worst thought of the night, even worse than when I was horribly startled by the sight of a baby literally coming out of a, well, you can imagine...  I can handle a lot of things, including an incredible amount of pain, but doing it naked?  That's absolutely too much.

Thank goodness the nurse informed us that this was not the norm, and that they would do everything they could to preserve at least a shred of our modesty (believe me, I already know the extent to which I'll be exposed, and I'm not happy about it).  Because I think I almost cried right then and there.  I would do anything, and I do mean anything, to not be naked.  The world and everyone in it can do without that sneak peek, especially now.


  1. Did you watch The Business of Being Born? Hellooo naked Ricki Lake.

    Related: did I tell you about when I worked as a gyne instructor?

  2. WHAT???? No, you're going to need to give me WAY more information on that!!!
