Thursday, November 11, 2010

Learning a lesson

Do you ever forget that all things happen for a reason?  I know I do.  Because today I was contemplating several of my students, all precious in their own ways, but each irritating to me in a certain way.  And I was complaining to myself (and anyone around me) that they drive me nuts and I wish they weren't in my class. 

Oops.  Bad idea.  Because then I remembered that I spend every morning praying over my classroom before my kids ever arrive. And I remembered how I spent the summer praying that the right students would be in my classes.  And I realized that if a student is in my class, it's for a reason.  So instead of wishing that kid would go away, I should be figuring out why he needs to stay. 

Oh to be wiser.  It takes me so long to figure things out.  At least God is patient, though.

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