Thursday, September 15, 2011

He speaks!

In case you were wondering, yes, Milo is talking, and yes, I just figured out how to upload video to my blog (get with the program, Kate!). Oh, and normally he does wear pants, although the two videos I've posted he's been sadly without...
Anyway, our little man is busy saying Dada (of course - look at the face of adoration as he gazes at Nate in this video), lalalala, vavavava, nananana, uh-uh... Notice what's missing? Mama. Of course. I've been told kids usually hold out for a while on Mama, which I feel is altogether unfair considering I carried him for 9+ months and gave birth (whew - let's not go there).
But when he finally says it, I'm sure I'll never be able to say no to him again or let him cry himself back to sleep at night. So it's all for the best, right?


  1. Again, way too cute! You'll miss the 'Dada' stage when it turns into 'Mama' nonstop!

  2. awwwwww!!!!! so awesome!
