Monday, November 8, 2010

Texas Country Reporter

Explain to me why no one told me that the Texas Country Reporter was in Lufkin on Friday.  Even more importantly, why didn't anyone tell me that he was at the high school on Friday, interviewing people for a segment on football?  And seriously, why didn't anyone tell him that his soothing voice helped me through a summer full of morning sickness, or invite him to my baby shower?

Oh, I found his vehicle, all right.  It was parked at the football game Friday night, and I spent more of the game looking for him than watching the action.  I never did find him.  But I got this great photo.

Someday I hope to lure him back to Lufkin.  I'll do whatever it takes.  Grow a world food garden.  Open an antique shop specializing in 1950's hotel decor.  Start an ice cream parlor with flavors like "funnel cake," or "granola sandwich."  But he's coming. He's just bound to...

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