Monday, July 19, 2010

A Jackson Bible lesson

Scene from my house:

Me:  "Hey Nate, do you think we get the word 'bath' from the story of David and Bathsheba in the Bible?  I mean, she was kind of known for catching his eye while bathing on her roof."

Nate:  "Hmmmm, I don't know.  I think that word was already around, from the Roman baths."

Me:  "Oh.  Good call.  Well don't you think it's ironic, then, that her name included the word 'bath'?  That's really funny!"

Nate:  "Maybe her name was just Sheba, and people described her that way."

Me:  "What do you mean?"

Nate:  "You know how sometimes we'll be talking and say something about someone, and then you have to use a characteristic to describe them?  Like 'crazy so-and-so,' or 'blonde Lauren' or whatever?"

Me:  "Oh yeah."

Nate:  "So maybe people around the palace were busy talking about her and saying, 'Sheba who?'  'Oh, you know, BATH-Sheba.  Haha.'"

Me:  "That's brilliant!  You're totally right!  And HO-Sheba was probably already taken!"

Oh, don't we think we're so clever...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kate and Nate for providing me with a wonderful laugh today...I just read that story the other day and never once did any of that cross my mind...hahahahahahahaha lol
