Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Seventh Level of Hell

Ahhh, TAKS testing in a special hall. Where a typical conversation follows a similar trend amongst all the rooms:

Student: "Ms. Jackson, I went in my testing room and the tester told me I'm not on her list. But my teacher told me I go to W227."

Me: "Ok, let's check and see your room number... Hmm, you're right, looks like W227."

Student: "But that's where I went and the teacher told me I'm not on the list."

Me: "Well let's walk over there together, okay?"

insert a variety of uncomfortable pre-testing small talk

Me: "Here we are, insert student name, let's check with the teacher."

Student: "Oh, this is my room?"

Me: "Yeah, W227."

Student: "Ohhhhh, well I went in that room." Points at a room directly across the hall... Or down the hall... Or in another hall...

Me: "W229? Why?"

Student: Open mouth, blank stare.

Right. I love my job I love my job I love my job I love my job...

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