Thursday, August 5, 2010

At last...

... it happened!
Miracle of miracles, I felt my little peanut move last night for the very first time.  It hasn't made sense to me for a while that if he's so extremely active, I can't feel him.  But it's like I suddenly became very aware of him tumbling and rolling around, and I actually tell he was in there.  And then I felt him again this morning.  It's like a miracle, and poor Nate just can't be in on it quite yet (although I was positive he'd be able to feel him last night).

And the funniest thing is that when he moved, I yelled to Nate, "Hey, (insert adorable boy name) just moved!"  We've been going round and round between two names - Maximillian (Max) or Milo, and I honestly haven't for a second been able to choose a favorite.  But as soon as he moved, I said one of them, and it surprised us both!  It definitely doesn't mean we've chosen for sure, but we may be on the right track.  Is it just me, or does one have an incredible amount of pressure when choosing a name for a child that he'll carry around with him for the rest of his life?  How do you pick for sure?


  1. With a nephew named Maximilian and a godson named Milo, I can't help but endorse BOTH names. Good choice(s).

  2. Isn't that such an amazing feeling?? That was my favorite part of both my pregnancies - feeling them move for the first time! Hopefully little Max or Milo won't keep you up at night as he gets to playing more & more!

  3. That's so exciting, Kate!! :) For some reason it makes it seem more real once you feel 'em move. Just wait til Max/Milo gives you a good kick ;)

    Oh, and I'm with you- I felt great pressure when choosing our kids names. Jadyn was a tough one... we found the name in a babies book a couple of years before we had her and loved the name. And from the time we picked out the name to the time where we acutally had our baby girl... the boy name "Jayden" became really popular and Brittany Spears (of all people) named her son Jayden. I wasn't happy about that- to say the least. But... we stuck with it. Hopefully my Jadyn doesn't hate me when she's in a classroom full of boys named Jayden, Jadon, Jaiden (and the 20+ other ways you can spell it). We're not even trying for our third yet, but I'm already feeling a little stressed on what to name him/her :)
