Saturday, June 26, 2010

A word on maternity wear

Now, I'm no fashion expert, but after some intense maternity clothes hunting, three swimsuit shopping experiences (two of which ended in tears), and endless hours combing ebay for good deals, I have a few words of advice for manufacturers...

1. Eliminate the word "sexy" from all marketing of maternity clothing.  I find very little sexy about large sacks of clothing, no matter how adorable they are.  Are you following my train of thought here?  There's a big difference.  And honestly,  do I ever want my child to look back and say, "Wow, Mommy, that was a sexy shirt you were wearing while you were growing me..."

2.  I suggest a separation between Motherhood Maternity and Motherhood Nursing.  Because I'm sure at some point down the road, a top with a built-in dickie so I can pop my breast out at any time will seem really fabulous, but right now it's just downright terrifying.

3.  It's okay to make my maternity swimsuit top a little shorter than the bottom of my crotch.  I promise - I'll wear the bottoms, too!

4.  A print other than a large floral would be really awesome.  I'm starting to wonder if I'm truly pregnant because obviously, EVERY woman wants to be dressed in a giant tunic of yellow, purple and red to draw even more attention to herself as she gets huger every day.  DUH.  What's wrong with me?

5.  No woman, and I do mean NO woman ever created on earth, EVER needs to torture herself even more with shaping maternity panties.  Seriously?  Just let us enjoy our big butts and giant thighs.  It's part of the package deal.  

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