Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Peanut Part 1

It's official!  I have been chastised.  I have been a sorry blogger, and it's come to someone's attention.  And I have been given this suggestion - "write about your pregnancy woes." 

So there's my first bit of info - I am with peanut.  In fact, Nate and I saw the little peanut just yesterday at our first ultrasound.  And while it was a very uncomfortable experience (internal ultrasound, anyone? it's a new level of humiliation and discomfort), it was also extremely exciting.  Did I cry?  No.  Did I beam?  Absolutely.  Because I'm delighted beyond belief to be pregnant, and will be even more so when I stop feeling so sick.

I've been given a lot of advice about morning sickness.  Anyone have any advice on sickness that lasts all morning, all afternoon, all evening, all night...?  That's right, I am SICK.  All the time.  And to add insult to injury, I'm supposed to be delighted about this sickness, because it apparently means that my baby is extra healthy.  Seriously?  What kind of perverse joke is this?  My pillow is full of crackers, because I eat them before I roll out of bed very sloooooowly, so as not to make any sudden movements.  I'm sucking preggie pop drops like they're going out of style and rubbing some sort of medication on my wrists that eases the nausea enough for me to stand up straight, all the while attempting to eat every two hours even though it makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time.

Pregnancy is a delight.  Truly. 

On top of all this, I'm still zookeeping my students for the last 9 days of school, and they're making life a little more interesting every day, and I'm seriously kicking myself for agreeing to teach summer school.  But it's money for the peanut, right? 

So, here's what I'm learning.  Pregnancy is a lesson in the selflessness required to be a fantastic mother.  Because I am desperate to be this fantastic mother, I will accept all the above mentioned "woes" with a smile on my face and still attempt to like my students and the people around me.

But don't be surprised if I'm in bed by 7.  Jen told me that growing a baby requires a similar effort to climbing a mountain, and I'm believing her more and more every day.  Happy growing!


  1. Congrats again! Glad it's "officially" announced. I've never heard that being extra sick means the baby is extra healthy. I've just heard pregnancy is different for everyone.
    Morning sickness is a myth. Every mom I've ever talked to had ALL day sickness, including me. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. I too carried around a ridiculous amount of food (I never knew what I was going to be able to eat or drink.) I did find that eating small amounts almost continuously helped. It seemed like it was worse with an empty stomach.
    Also, had multiple internal ultra-sounds. Including one with the all time creepiest guy ultra sound tech. Just try to view it as it's not about you it's all about your little peanut.
    Enjoy your journey.

  2. I'm so excited for you guys! After all the sickness & tiredness is over, being pregnant is an amazing experience! Just knowing there is a little itty bitty life inside you, and getting to feel it grow (and eventually kick and sit on your bladder :) is so much fun! I always had to have saltine crackers - and not the generic kind! I bought them in bulk! Enjoy every minute of it! Hopefully, you won't have to have any more internal ultrasounds. I had to have one with Lillia, but it was when I was really early on and she was in a weird position. So as peanut gets bigger, you can hope to have regular ultrasounds!
    Happy Anniversary!

  3. oh my goodness, my sister was throwing up all the time when she was pregnant! haha! it's so crazy, but believe me, it's worth it. i love how you call the baby a peanut! haha! i wouldve never thought of that! just hang in there, mrs. jackson! you're strong, and not even morning "ickness" can stop you! love youuu!
