Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday 10

Today I spent most of my conference period lying in the copy room at work, underneath a desk, trying to get warm and to sleep off this UGH that I feel today.  Because not only am I pregnant sick, now I'm sick sick.  My throat's on fire, my head is all plugged, and yes, I am feeling quite cranky.  Thinking happy thoughts isn't helping because I'm just plain tired of feeling gross.  And it's only been two and a half weeks of this kind of sickness.  I always thought I was pretty tough, but I'm starting to realize that I'm just a big sissy. 

On the funny side, though, yesterday Ann was looking up morning sickness for me on google, but actually typed in "morning ickness."  It described how I feel perfectly!!!

Anyway, to combat my hideous crankiness, today I'm going to spend my time making a top ten list of things that make me happy.  Maybe you can add to it if I get stuck.

1.  My super fantastic husband, who has been planning our anniversary getaway this weekend for weeks, and who took me out on a hot date last night, despite the fact that I have officially given in and look permanently haggard.

2.  The fact that our grown child Ann (otherwise known as my youngest sister) has decided that she wants a baby brother, and the fact that referring to her as our child confuses the heck out of everyone.

3.  The idea of me sitting in the corner of my room sniffing an alcohol wipe like a crack fiend because someone told me it would help with morning sickness.  Just FYI, it didn't.

4.  Tomato soup and ginger ale.  Not only do I like it when I'm sick, but it makes me feel cozy every other time.

5.  People who genuinely ask me every single day how I'm feeling, and really want to know the truth.  I always want to give them a hug, even as I'm feeling bad for saying I'm not feeling too great...

6.  (insert name)  VS.  (insert name).  It's my favorite game to play, creating imaginary match-ups between people at the church, co-workers, etc.  Somewhat like celebrity death match, but with people I know... 

7.  The fact that all but 6 of my students passed the English TAKS test, and quite a few of them were commended as well, even after the dreadful Fall that I had.

8.  Scrabble, bananagrams and moxie.  All word games that I adore.

9.  Did I mention my super fantastic husband, who is kind to me ALWAYS, even when I don't deserve it?

10. The fact that today is Friday, and in an hour and a half, I get to go home and take the biggest, fattest, happiest nap I've had all week.

1 comment:

  1. haha, it's funny how you referred to how deep your sleep was gonna be as "fattest"! your blog is highly entertaining! i find it interesting that even the seemingly most calm, happy, well-put together people have problems too!
