Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not the usual morning chit-chat

Well, I sat down to write something brilliant, witty, hilarious...

And what I can't get off my mind today is how mean women are to each other (and to ourselves).  I have several tiny, gorgeous, wonderful people in my life who can't stop obsessing over weight, and it breaks my heart because I used to be in the very same place.  I starved myself almost literally to death because I just couldn't make myself "perfect" enough to live in our society.  At least I have the luxury of a husband who constantly affirms me and would never pressure me to become a stick figure - most people don't have that (And why the heck not, husbands? Get your act together!)

So this morning I got myself all worked up (which Nathan highly cautions against).  I'm protective of people because I lived that life and it's not worth it!  And I'm frankly quite angry about it at this point.  I'm not entirely sure what to do about it, but seriously, does anyone else agree with me that it's time for something to change?

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