Friday, April 9, 2010


Why don't I say the things I mean to say when I'm supposed to say them?

I went to coffee with my friend yesterday, and we had a conversation that we had both been wanting to have for a while now...  A touchy subject, but something that required a bit of discussion.  And at the end, I seriously thought, "Why didn't I just bring this up a month ago when I first thought of it?"

It's because I don't want to hurt people's feelings.  I don't want to make people upset and tell them what I really think if it's going to cause a rift.  But I'm finding more and more that, a lot of times, what I have to say is right on because it comes out of an honest heart.  SO THERE.

Side note:  Berkley was right on when she made me late yesterday - I had to take the car to work, which I normally don't.  Well, 3rd period, my sister texted me and she had fallen down the stairs... super scary because she's pregnant.  I flew to the hospital, thanking God all the way that I had the car so she wouldn't have to be alone.


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