Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This morning, as I was getting ready for school, I randomly started thinking about a student who left my class to go to the alternative campus (for kids in a lot of trouble) a few months ago.  I had really developed a soft spot for him (as I do with all the "tough cases) because he came from such a rough home, and was such a smart (but unmotivated) kid.  We had been making a lot of progress, and then all of a sudden, off he went.  I have no idea what he did, nor do I want to know, and I was sad to lose him.

So I started to pray for him this morning while I straightened my hair (which is one of my best prayer times because I can't go anywhere...), just telling God that I had no clue where he was, but asking Him to bless him all the same.  I spent a good bit of time on this, and then went about the rest of my morning without another thought.

Then a crazy thing happened.  Halfway through first period, my door opened, and who should walk in but this very kid I prayed for this very morning. The shock was all over my face for a brief moment, until I recovered and gave him the sunniest smile of my entire day.  I, in fact, had to explain to him at the end of the class period that I had just thought about him that morning, and that's why I looked so surprised when he came in (didn't want him to think I was upset about it - he probably gets that a lot). 

God works in weird ways, doesn't He?  

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