Friday, April 2, 2010

Puppy problems

Are you tired of hearing about my dog yet?  If so, stop reading immediately, because there's a question laying heavy on my heart...

Why won't Berkley stop peeing in the house?

I mean, I know she's a puppy, but it's getting just plain ridiculous, and let me tell you why.  This sweet-faced little bundle has an uncanny ability to hold it all day while she plays outside, and then immediately pee when she comes back into the house.  I could take her outside, walk her all over the yard, spend 20 minutes marching it out in my galoshes, and within two minutes of coming back inside, puddle.  And aside from that, she also pees in her kennel, which is very small, and has no problem rolling in it before I can get to her.  What happened to the good old notion that dogs won't pee where they sleep?  Is my dog mentally retarded, or just plain nasty?  Because if I have to skip washing my own hair so I have time to give her a bath one more time, people are going to start wondering if I've switched to wearing exclusively ponytails.

Today is my Good Friday day off, and my weather friends are predicting thunderstorms.  All I can picture is me, trapped in the house with three dogs, a roll of paper towels and some carpet cleaner, and it makes me exhausted!  I think I may just go back to bed.

Speaking of Good Friday, I tend to agree with my nephew Alex, who told me last night, "Titi, I don't think it should be called Good Friday.  I mean, it was a really bad day for Jesus.  He was crucified!" lol. I just told him it was the anticipation of what we knew was coming (the Resurrection) that made it good. He looked skeptical, but then promptly asked me to play chess, which leads me to believe he got over it pretty quickly.

And one other question.  Why don't you ever notice that there is no toilet paper left until after you've taken your great big post-run potty break?  I'm just saying... I mean, it happened to a friend of mine... Right.

Happy Good Friday.  (sorry Alex)


  1. I love reading about your puppy! Why does Berkley pee in the house? She is a girl and she is a Chessie. Nuff said! My male was house broken in a week. One accident and that was it. But my girl....

    Happy Easter Kate!

  2. get her on a schedule...puppies usually go potty up to 30 mins after they eat....and u need to clean the spots she pees at over and over(at the same time) because they smell where they peed before and will go again.....when you see her going ...immediately break her concentration by giving her a firm touch and take her outside on the grass..reward when she behaves....
