Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The cure for the common undergarment

Ladies and Gentlemen, my butt is asleep!
Don't hate - you know it's happened to you.  Believe me, it's a rare day at Lufkin High School when I actually get to sit in one place long enough for any part of me to sleep.  But today, I've used my entire conference period to do absolutely nothing.  Well, nothing except read blogs.  [ahem]  And by that I mean, conduct internet research...

Which leads me to my thought for today, something that recently came to my attention and has been puzzling me ever since. 

In a word:  vajazzling.

Oh it's real, people, and you should be very afraid, because it's exactly what it sounds like.  Bedazzling for a certain lady part, and how on earth does that work exactly?  No wait, don't tell me, because I'm not sure I can stomach the answer.  EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Whether it's super glue, brads or staples, creating a gleaming, glittering THAT seems like an innately bad (and itchy) idea.  Who on earth would you show?  Is that a silly question?  Maybe it's one of those things that is so bizarre it eliminates all sense of embarrassment, kind of like when people get breast implants and march around inviting you to feel them to see how "natural" they are.  Right.  I'm not going to lie - I love sparkly things.  But even my love of all that glitters could never tempt me to get on board with this idea, not even if I were a stripper (costume, anyone?)   

So at this point I am so disturbed that I can't imagine having to teach for the rest of the day.  Is it possible to call in "emotionally disturbed," and if so, would I have to explain my reasoning?

The good news is that my butt woke up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I won't even point out the "piercing" irony here.

  3. I had never even heard of this until recently when Jennifer Love Hewitt mentioned it on The View. Yikes! I'm with... not something I'm going to try.
