Sunday, January 6, 2013

Little Man on a Mission

Poor Milo hasn't been feeling great the last week or so, so when I heard him crying at 6:30 this morning, I wasn't in the mood to let him cry it out. I threw my glasses on and stumbled into his room, and when I got there, he put his head against me and said, "Mommy, I want my Cars robe!"
Seriously? This is what all the fuss was about that we both had to wake up from a peaceful sleep? I shouldn't have been surprised, though, because he always wakes up thinking about something, or with a very particular agenda (okay, so he's at least a little bit like me...).  I normally don't let him wear the robe to bed, but for the sake of both of us getting a little more rest, I looked around the room for it. He immediately stopped crying, pointed at the door, and told me, "Mommy, it's out there." After I located the robe on the couch, got him all snuggled up and tucked in, he sighed and turned over, asleep before I left the room. I guess it's always a good time for a cozy robe, right?
Anyway, here's to my little man, the absolute perfect gift.

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