Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I'd have a ton to write today, on Mother's Day. And it's not that my heart isn't full of love and appreciation for my own family and everybody else's... It's just that I'm so very tired. It's been a busy weekend, and traveling to Houston didn't help Milo's sleep schedule at all, so we're all running a little low on energy.
But let me tell you this: I've been realizing that nurture is a huge deal. People who don't get it from their mothers when they're little seem to have tons of problems when they get older. Moms shape who we are, and I was blessed to have a loving mom (and grandmas, by the way) who showed me what it was to be unconditionally loved. Now I have a beautiful son that I adore, and it's easy to pass that same love to him because it's part of who I am. Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Grandma. You are two wonderful women and I love you so very much.
Nate took Milo out on a little Mother's Day photo shoot to make me a fabulous gift. Thought I'd share a few pictures with you...

It's hard not to feel like a rock star around here. Can you see why?

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