Thursday, September 9, 2010

Now that's much better

Things I'm excited about today:

The fact that I watched a light turn on in multiple kids' heads today, and heard them say, "Ohhhhh, I get it now.  That's so easy!"  I feel like I've won the lottery every time one of my kids finally understands something he/she's never gotten before.  Who'd have guessed direct and indirect objects could turn out so well?

Multiple students came in after school today to finish essays they've been writing for class.  Now, keep in mind, they're worth a test grade, so that's good motivation.  But still... after school?  And one of them was the kid another teacher told me is impossible to motivate, and here he is, writing away.  I'm impressed!

I haven't puked a bit today, and I actually feel energetic, and I was able to cover most of the polka dots on my face, so I look somewhat normal, even with my hair up (yes, I hid behind a giant mass of curls yesterday).

After work, Nate and I are going shopping for a needy student, and we get to buy her things her family wouldn't be able to get otherwise.  And we get to pick anything we want because she's not particular.  AWESOME.

I'm trying a new recipe tonight, and cooking new things always makes me smile.  Tonight we're trying chicken (for Nate), with a potato and sweet corn saute. Sounds fun, doesn't it?  Something about the word saute is somewhat exciting...

And the most exciting of all?  At the end of the day, I get to curl up on the couch with the most wonderful man alive and take a big, fat nap.  I know I whined yesterday, but I feel pretty darn lucky.

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