Friday, September 17, 2010


I really should have paid attention in health class.  Or perhaps to my sisters, or even some of my friends.  I should have known what I was getting myself into beforehand...

Because there are so many things about pregnancy and giving birth that I never knew, simply because I never thought I'd need the info.  And let me tell you, I needed the info.

For example, I needed to know about the first ultrasound before I had it.  And if I hadn't seen The Backup Plan the week before, I would have marched myself in to my appointment ready for gel on my tummy and warm fuzzy feelings and been shocked by the giant wand, all lubed up and ready to invade my nether-regions...

And I needed to know that when doctors check to see how far a woman is dilated, it has nothing to do with a tiny ruler or a bit of measuring tape as I'd imagined...

I definitely needed to know that I could, and probably will, poop during labor.  I'm still unprepared to fully deal with that information.  Mortification, anyone?

In short, birthing class is going to be a necessity.  I just wish I had known before I got pregnant...


  1. And, you will learn that while giving birth, you lose all sense of whatever modesty you have left. But, on the bright side, you'll be holding a beautiful baby boy and not really care what's going on at the other end of the table.

  2. WHAT?!?!?! You POOP while giving birth?!?!?! Why have I never heard this??? -April

  3. Because it's so disturbing that everyone wants to keep it under wraps. When I think about it, I want to cry. Or hide somewhere...
