Monday, November 12, 2012

A perfect mix

I always knew Milo would be a sensitive kid, because both Nate and I were (and still are). He recently started really grasping what emotions mean, and as we read a book about a fire truck this morning, I pointed out that he was sad. Poor Milo was heartbroken for this poor truck, telling me, "Mommy, fire cup (truck) sad." He then proceeded to hold the book to his cheek, make kissing sounds, and tell the truck, "Ay-kay, cup. Ay-kay." (Okay, truck.) My heart completely melted, and I had to gulp down tears and pray that he would always be sensitive to others and want to make them okay.

And then, of course, five minutes later he was building block towers and knocking them down as he laughed, so at least we know he's a good mix of sensitive and tough, right?

Look at my boys, all ready for a "hats and ties" tea party birthday celebration.


  1. all I can have 2 very very good looking boys there...LOVE IT, LOVE THEM, AND LOVE YOU!!!!!
