Monday, October 8, 2012

Cars shoes

Oh my, have we had some excitement around here. You see, Milo's had his eye on some Cars slippers for several months now. I literally can't even say Target without him telling me, "Cars shoes, Mommy." It's reached that level. Well, tonight Nate gave in (truth be told, he's the bigger sucker of the two of us, and I'm delighted to say it), and we came home with a pair of Cars slippers. Well, that is, after Milo ran all over Target in them first. He cried when I took them off to give him a bath, and when Nate was finally reading the Bible to him before bed, I could hear him whispering, "Cars shoes. Cars shoes." It doesn't take much. Just a $10 pair of slippers.
Car shoes and a free dog Milo calls "Woof" from family pictures at the carnival.

I know this picture is blurry, but you couldn't miss seeing this face.

Up close and personal
Milo was really busy while Nate was trying to shoot this video. After all, there were slippers to run in, a drum to stand on, and cars to move from the shelf to the counter. It's hard work being Milo, and don't you forget it. Also, don't forget that at the end of this video he literally uses the word "awesome." My thoughts exactly.

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