Thursday, February 16, 2012

THE haircut

Today was the day I've been looking forward to / dreading for a while... First haircut!!!

He was a little apprehensive at first...

So we both ended up in the chair, with him on my lap...

And then Kelly gave him a clip to play with and he was as happy as could be.
We had pictures and video going. Aren't we over-the-top?

He looks practically grown up now.

We three cheesers

And the family + brilliant hairstylist photo!
When I was still pregnant with Milo, I had several dreams that he was born with a mullet. In the dreams, I kept telling Nate, "Please cut this before anyone sees it!" Today, in real life, Milo was working on a bit of a rattail, and his hair was starting to get into his eyes as well, so we had to take him for the cut. I never expected to be so sentimental about it, but I was practically teary on the way there! But it all went well, and now he's looking so old and so handsome. I'm ridiculously blessed, right?

And before I go any further, I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHLOE!!!! I have loved you since you were just a little squirt, so cute with your big cheeks and sprout pigtails. You have been so beautiful since the day you were born, and you're more divalicious every day. I miss you so much and wish I could give you a big birthday squench right now! (p.s. Your gift's on the way...) Love love love you, sweet girl.

Now, let me just give you a funny little story as I swallow tears. Milo's favorite sound is the cow sound, and we frequently ask him, "Milo, what does the cow say?" because it's so cute to hear the answer. So Milo was running around with my phone today, and I noticed that I had gotten a text message from Sar. Just joking, I asked, "Oooooh, Milo, what did Auntie Rah say?" To which he responded, "Moooooooooo!" Love it.

Happy Thursday, people.

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