Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Alamo

So we saw a number of cool things in San Antonio, one of them being the Alamo. Nate has lectured me on the Alamo ever since we got married, telling me that Texas was the only state that was its own nation, reminding me that Texas can fly its state flag as high as the country's flag, etc. etc. etc. We've always had the North vs. South, Illinois vs. Texas stand-off, and I've been skeptical. But I have to admit, visiting the Alamo was a little humbling, seeing where people who believed in freedom so much that they were willing to die for it made their last stand. At one point I saw an older woman chowing on an ice cream bar and I wanted to smack it out of her hand and shout, "Have some respect!" Okay, maybe I'm becoming a little Texas-proud?

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