Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lucy and Lala

I would consider myself a fairly girly girl. I appreciate makeup, love fashion, and enjoy crafting and knitting and sewing and whatnot... But I also love playing soccer, running, and watching sports. I guess I'm a good mix, and when I try to think about what I played with as a kid, I'm drawing a blank. I remember cutting the hair off of Sarah's Barbies (surely I had some of my own?). I remember dragging around a stuffed dog named Brownie and using the non-working radio in his tummy to pretend like I was a spy. I remember digging for fossils in our yard and burying Tic-Tac containers filled with treasures to find later...

All that to say, I haven't done a great job of giving Lucy girly toys. Not that girls have to have girly things. But we have a super-girly little sprout here. Well, a super-girly little sprout who would jump a five-year old for her baby doll, so I'm not sure how that fares.

We did buy her a play kitchen for her birthday, but aside from that, she mostly plays with Milo's toys... Granted, we have a big bin of Little People, which I would consider gender neutral. And we have blocks. Good for us. I was fine with all of this until Lucy started carrying things around pretending to shoot people as if they were guns, and I gave in. We bought Lucy her first baby doll. She carries her around wrapped in a blanket, takes off her little diaper and tells me she has poops, and just cuddles her in general. They spent their first 20 minutes in the Target shopping cart staring deeply in to each other's eyes. In all, we should have done this long ago. Lucy and "Lala" are two peas in a pod.

For his participation in the Target trip, Nate got Milo a new Lego set. So a good time was had by all.

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