Sunday, December 18, 2011

So much / so little

You know what? Perhaps I should just photo update while I'm at it... Because we've been busy! Nate and I went on our second date since Milo has been born. Oh my. We need to get out more often. We had a blast, and so did Milo - he got to stay with Uncle Michael and Auntie Jen and his cousins Alex, Conner, and Chloe.
Milo has SUCH a great older cousin in Alex. The two of them shared some good quality time reading while Nate and I were gone watching the new Sherlock Holmes (good movie).

We're also having tons of fun with Ann, who is home for holiday break (HOORAY!). She's had her iPhone handy at all times, just so we don't miss a thing... like this fabulous hat at Old Navy.
Just for the record, I almost stole this hat (completely on accident). I let Milo wear it around and then marched right on out of Old Navy without a second thought. We, of course, returned it the second I realized what was going on, but not before I shouted, "Oh my gosh, I'm stealing a hat!" to half the parking lot.

And Nate and I are working on planning the best little woodland-themed first birthday party ever. More on that to come.
Just practicing for the BIG DAY coming up...
This child loves to roam free in his diaper.

So that's life right now. So much and so little going on at the very same time.

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